LIDA Framework v1.2 beta

edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.actionselection Contains classes related to Action Selection, a subsystem which selects Behaviors for execution.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.attentioncodelets Contains classes related to Attention Codelets.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.environment Contains classes which define the interface for environments which a framework Agent can sense from and perform actions in.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.episodicmemory Contains classes related to the definition of the Episodic Memory module and its default implementation.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.episodicmemory.sdm Contains classes related to an implementation of Sparse Distributed Memory (Kanerva).
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework Contains classes which define the main structures of framework Agents.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.gui Contains classes related to the framework's GUI and GUI controller.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.gui.commands Contains classes related to GUI commands; the encapsulation of actions to be taken in the model (the Agent) which are generated in the GUI. Contains classes related to GUI events -- encapsulations of events generated in the model (the agent) which are sent to the GUI.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.gui.panels Contains classes related to GuiPanels which can be added to the framework's GUI to display particular information.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.gui.utils Contains utility classes for the GUI.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.initialization Contains classes involved in the run-time creation of the Agent and the initialization of the ElementFactory from various configuration files.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.shared Contains classes related to common data structures used in the framework.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.shared.activation Contains classes which define activation attributes and operations related to these activations.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.strategies Contains the various strategies (implementors of the strategy design pattern) used in the framework to implement excitation, decay, etc.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.framework.tasks Contains classes related to the framework's tasks (small demon-like processes) and their management.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.globalworkspace Contains classes related to the GlobalWorkspace, the module responsible for selecting the most important part of an Agent's current understanding, at the particular moment, for broadcast to all BroadcastListeners.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.globalworkspace.triggers Contains classes related to the triggering of the competition for the global conscious broadcast.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.pam Contains classes related to the definition of the Perceptual Associative Memory module and its default implementation.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.pam.tasks Contains classes implementing several low-level processes of the default PerceptualAssociativeMemory.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.proceduralmemory Contains classes related to the definition of the Procedural Memory module and its default implementation.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.sensorymemory Contains classes related to the definition of the Sensory Memory module.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.sensorymotormemory Contains classes related to the definition of the Sensory Motor Memory module.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.workspace Contains classes related to the definition of the Workspace module and its default implementation.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.workspace.structurebuildingcodelets Contains classes related to the definition, default implementation, and management of Structure-Building codelets.
edu.memphis.ccrg.lida.workspace.workspacebuffers Contains classes related to the definition of of Workspace buffers and their default implementations.