Natural Language Sensing for Autonomous Agents

Zhaohua Zhang, Stan Franklin, Brent Olde, Art Graesser and Yun Wan


Institute for Intelligent Systems

The University of Memphis




In sufficiently narrow domains, natural language understanding may be achieved via an analysis of surface features without the use of a traditional symbolic parser. Here we illustrate this notion by describing the natural language sensing in Virtual Mattie (VMattie), an autonomous clerical agent. VMattie "lives" in a UNIX system, communicates with humans via email in natural language with no agreed upon protocol, and autonomously carries out her tasks without human intervention. In particular, she keeps a mailing list to which she emails seminar anouncements once a week. VMattie's various tasks include gathering information from seminar organizers, reminding organizers to send seminar information, updating her mailing list in response to human requests, composing next week’s seminar schedule announcement, and sending out the announcement to all the people on her mailing list in a timely fashion. VMattie’s limited domain requires her to deal with only nine distinct message types, each with preditable content. This allows for surface level natural language processing. VMattie's language understanding module has been implemented as a Copycat-like architecture though her understanding takes place differently. The mechanism includes a slipnet storing domain knowledge and a pool of codelets (processors) specialized for specific jobs, along with templates for building and verifying understanding. Together they constitute an integrated sensing system for the autonomous agent VMattie. With it she's able to recognize, categorizize and understand. Here we describe in detail the design and implementation of natural language sensing for autonomous agents such as VMattie who communicate (sense) via email. Assessment of Vmattie’s performance on one hundred email messages was very encouraging. Vmattie assigned 100% of the messages into the correct categories and correctly sensed 99% of the content slots.



Virtual Mattie (VMattie) is an autonomous clerical agent (Franklin, Graesser, Olde, Song, and Negatu 1996) that "lives" in a UNIX system, communicates with humans via email in natural language with no agreed upon protocol, and autonomously carries out tasks within her domain. VMattie deals with a dynamic, but limited, real world environment. She is an autonomous agent in that she senses her environment and acts on it, over time, in such a way as to effect future sensing (Franklin and Graesser 1997). VMattie runs continuously (not just one time), and performs her tasks without human intervention. She can sense and change her environment. What she senses, along with her internal drives and states determine her next action. Her action selection mechanism is a considerably extended form of the Maes behavior net (1990).

VMattie carries out tasks originally performed by Mattie – a human secretary in an academic department office. Our intent was to develop an autonomous clerical agent who could take over some limited chore from the real Mattie. The chore chosen was emailing an announcement each week detailing the dozen or so weekly seminars to be held in the department during the following week. (These are ongoing seminars typically lasting many weeks.) This chore requires VMattie to gather information on speakers and topics from seminar organizers, to dun them when this was not forthcoming, to understand incoming email messages in natural language with no agreed upon protocol, to acknowledge each message, to compose next week’s seminar schedule announcement, to keep her mailing list updated in response to email requests, and to send out the announcement in a timely fashion.



This paper is concerned with VMattie’s natural language sensing. She senses her environment only via incoming email messages. Natural language understanding using only surface features is possible for VMattie because of her limited domain. She need identify only nine different message types, each of which is expected to contain only a handful of data. Thus, rather than using a classic symbolic parser, VMattie's natural language processing is implemented as a Copycat-like architecture (Hofstadter and Mitchell, 1993), with major differences. While Copycat recognizes and categorizes, it's mainly about making analogies. VMattie must recognize, categorizze and extract relevant data from an incoming email with no agreed on protocal. Understanding incoming data is much more complicated for VMattie than for Copycat, though the use to which it is put is simpler.

VMattie's natural language understanding occurs in two stages. First, the incoming message is classified as one of the nine message types. Then the relevant data from the message is extracted based on the type of the message. Data items may include speaker name, affiliation of the speaker, title of the talk, time of the seminar, date, place, email address of sender, etc. All this information will be used for other tasks such as acknowledging the message, composing next week’s seminar schedule announcement, and/or updating her mailing list.

The architecture of VMattie is diagramed in figure 1.


Figure 1: Architecture of Virtual Mattie

The perception module of Vmattie is shown within the dotted lines in figure 1. The i/o module is in two pieces in the upper left. The rest of the system constitutes the action selection module.

Section 2 introduces the components of the perception module. Section 3, discusses message types. Section 4 and 5 describe the slipnet and the codelets respectively. Section 6 describes in detail the workings of the perception module and how an incoming message is understood. Section 7 presents the results of our testing of VMattie’s perception. And finally, Sections 8 and 9 are concerned with further work and a conclusion.


2 Perception

VMattie’s perception module constitutes a mechanism for natural language processing in her limited domain. It consists of a knowledge base, a workspace, and their associated codelets.

The term "codelet" was coined by Hofstadter and Mitchell (1994) to refer to a small piece of code capable of performing some small task. Each codelet can be viewed as an independent processor specialized for a specific job. Together they produce VMattie’s low-level behavior. A codelet can also be thought of as an agent with a little built-in knowledge.

All perceptual codelets are initially inactive and situated in the population of codelets (see Figure 2). When perception is triggered, codelets associated with that perception become potentially active, and jump into the pool. There they wait to be chosen to run, either by being called by currently running codelets or by active nodes in the slipnet. Most codelets are associated with nodes in the slipnet. Codelets will be described in more detail later.

Figure 2: Population of Codelets, Codelets in Pool, Running Codelets


The slipnet and nine templates constitute VMattie’s perceptual knowledge base. The slipnet contains domain knowledge (surface features) needed to understand incoming email messages. Think of it as a semantic net capable of passing activation. Its nodes represent concepts, its links relations, and its weights the strength of the relations between concepts. This knowledge plays an important role in categorizing message types. The slipnet will be discussed in more detail in Section 4 where an example will be given. Codelets build their perceptual constructs using templates. Each message type corresponds to one template. Different message types will have different slots in their templates.

Figure 3 shows the template for a Speaker-Topic message. During the perception (understanding) process, a candidate message type is chosen and a copy of its template moved to the perceptual workspace where codelets will work on filling its slots. If the message type proves to be incorrect, another is selected and the process begins anew. The old template is destroyed and codelets work on the new one. A selected message type is considered correct if its template can be adequately filled.

Figure 3: Speaker-Topic Message Template (italic shows mandatory slots)


The perceptual workspace holds relatively dynamic data. At a particular time it could contain an incoming message and the currently selected partially filled template.


3 Analysis of Incoming Messages

After carefully studying a two-year a corpus of messages between the real Mattie and seminar organizers and announcement recipients, we found the message space partitioned into nine distinct types as shown below:

Seminar initial message – tells of a new seminar being organized

Speaker topic message – gives the speaker and title for one session

No seminar message – cancels next week’s session

Seminar conclusion message – cancels seminar for the rest of the semester

Change of time message – gives a new time for the next session

Change of place message – gives a new place for the next session

Change of topic message – message about changing the title of a talk

Add to mailing list message – asking to be added to the mailing list

Remove from mailing list message – asking to be removed

Some messages in the corpus contain data of more than one type. For example, the initiation of a new seminar may be combined with the name of the first speaker and his or her title. We’ve designed VMattie to deal only with messages of a single type. Her successor, Conscious Mattie, will be able to understand multi-type messages. To deal with nonsense messages or messages out of VMattie’s domain, we added an "irrelevant" message type.

Our analysis of an actual corpus of messages to Mattie (a human secretary) helped us to surface features of the messages, words, phrases, and characters that provide knowledge important for classification and understanding of messages. Understanding, in this context, consists of getting the right message parts in the right template slots. All these words, phrases and characters have been stored in the slipnet as nodes. For example, the phrase "speak on" is an indicator that the following phrase is likely to be the title of a talk.


4 Slipnet

Slipnet’s knowledge is arranged in a three-layer network whose nodes represent concepts, whose links represent their relations, and whose weights measure the strength of the relations. Each link serves to limit the possible meanings and/or uses of its source. For example, the link from "speak on" to "topic of seminar" limits the possible use of "speak on."

First-layer nodes store specific keywords, phrases, special characters, and so on. Nodes in the second-layer store more abstract concepts such as day-of-week or place-of-seminar. The nine message types are found in the third-layer nodes. The "irrelevant" message type is not a node in the slipnet since no information needed be extracted in that case.

Activation spreads between connected nodes. Each node’s activation level is influenced by the activation levels of neighbor nodes, by the weights on their links, and by the activity of codelets.

Slipnet’s primary function is to aid in the recognition of incoming data and in the classification of message types. When activation spreads forward (from layer 1 to layer 3), slipnet acts as a feed-forward neural network, complete with thresholds at the nodes, classifying the message type. The forward weights were obtained by training slipnet over two hundred incoming messages and tuning by hand. So slipnet has characteristics of connectionism. But it is not a pure neural network in that it stores semantic meanings, and in that not all nodes perform weighted sums. Activation spreading backward from the selected message type node (from layer 3 to layer 1), activates appropriate nodes that set in motion codelets looking for data to fill the slots in the appropriate template. The backward weights are predefined. Figure 4, a small piece of the slipnet diagram, provides a taste of what the slipnet looks like.

Figure 4: Partial Slipnet Diagram


5 Codelets

At a high level of abstraction, Virtual Mattie’s architecture consists of a slipnet, a behavior net, working memories, etc. At a lower level, VMattie’s actions are all taken by codelets. Some primitive codelets are always active and running. They independently perform housekeeping functions such as watching the current time and the mailbox for incoming messages.

Most codelets, however, directly subserve some behavior or slipnet node. These are usually not active and are originally situated in the population of codelets. This paper focuses on those codelets of this second kind that are associated with perception. These will include codelets that search, that extract, that fill template slots or perception register slots, and others.

Searching codelets accomplish recognition. Each such specializes in searching for some particular keyword, or a special character or a phrase. It is capable of recognizing the standard form of its target, and also various alternate forms. For example, a codelet that searches for Tuesday will also recognize tuesday, Tu., Tu, tu, Tues, etc.

Other codelets are specialized for extracting specific data from an incoming message, for example, a speaker’s name or an email address. Such codelets also involve recognition, but of a somewhat different form. Each needs to do a little parsing job to decide which word or phrase in the message is its target. The extracting codelets associated with nodes in the first-layer of slipnet will extract a little piece of text directly from incoming message. The extracting codelets associated with nodes in the second-layer of slipnet will extract information based on those little pieces. It may well have to choose from several candidates presented by extracting first-layer codelets. For example, extracting codelets parsing via the keywords "speak on" and "topic" may offer different possible titles. Consider the message "C. Rouseau will speak to the Graph Theory Seminar on the topic of Probabilistic Ramsey Numbers." The extracting codelet parsing with "speak on" might settle for "speak to" and offer "Graph Theory Seminar" as a title, while the extracting codelet parsing with "topic" chooses "Probabilistic Ramsey Numbers."

Still other codelets fill the slots in a template in the perceptual workspace. The template is the one associated with the selected message type. These codelets contribute directly to VMattie’s understanding of the message. Other codelets transfer this information into perception registers for further use in various parts of the system.

Other codelets select a message type based on the activation levels of the nodes in the third layer of slipnet and the current temperature. Still others select the appropriate template and move a copy into the perceptual workspace. Codelets are the workhorses of the VM architecture. They are responsible for all the low-level tasks.


6 How Understanding Happens

Consider the following message: "Prof. C. Rousseau will speak to the Graph Theory Seminar next week on A Probabilistic Approach to Finding Ramsey Numbers." A regular attendee of that seminar, knowing about probability theory and Ramsey numbers, should understand this message at a pretty high level. Rousseau's young daughter would likely understand only that Daddy was going to give a talk somewhere. A secretary who typed the message might understand that a talk on some unfamiliar mathematical topic was to be given to a group of people some of whom he or she knew. These represent three different levels of understanding. VMattie would also understand this message at her level. She'd know, for example, the name of the speaker and of the seminar, the title of the talk, and from "next week" deduce the date of the talk along with the place and time. Her understanding such a message from a seminar organizer is sufficient for her task of composing and sending out seminar announcements.


6.1 Message into Workspace

When primitive codelets sense there is a new message in the mailbox and know that the perceptual workspace is empty, they move the message into the workspace. The codelets associated with perception jump into the pool where they wait to be chosen to run. Codelets in the pool run when called either by currently running codelets or by active slipnet nodes. The primitive codelets that move a new message into the workspace call all the searching codelets into the pool. Each searching codelet then begins to search the target.


6.2 Recognition

Each searching codelet is associated with a first-layer node in the slipnet. If a codelet finds the keyword or phrase it is looking for, it will activate its associated slipnet node. This constitutes initial recognition. The active nodes spread activation in the slipnet.


6.3 Message Type Classification

As activation spreads forward (from layer 1 to layer 3) in the slipnet, it acts like a feed-forward neural network, and classifies the message type. The third layer nodes, corresponding to the nine message types, will have different activation levels. The one with the highest activation level is selected as the proposed message type, a winner takes all strategy. But all the other message type nodes retain their activation, and are candidates for the next selection if the current winner is proven to be wrong. If the activation of all the message type nodes are very low and cannot reach a given threshold, the message is classified as an irrelevant message and the understanding process is finished.


6.4 Template Filling

The winning node then activates a codelet that knows the message type and that selects the appropriate template to be loaded into the workspace. The winner node that represents the selected message type simultaneously spreads activation backward (from layer 3 to layer 1) to the nodes connected with it. These active nodes call their associated extracting codelets into the pool so those items such as the name of a speaker or the title of a seminar are extracted.

Codelets then begin to fill the slots in the template. Different message types will have different slots in their templates. Some are mandatory slots that must be filled, while others are optional. For example, the speaker’s name and the title of his or her talk are mandatory slots in the template of the speaker-topic message type.

6.5 Temperature Control

As in the Hofstadter-Mitchel work, temperature is used to control the understanding process by inversely estimating the degree of understanding. The temperature starts high and falls as each slot, particularly a mandatory slot, is filled. If some mandatory slots are not filled after some period of time, the temperature remains high and a decision is taken by an active codelet that the chosen message type is not correct. In this case, the second most active node in the third layer of the slipnet is chosen as representing the new selected message type. Its corresponding template is moved to the workspace and the process starts anew. The newwinner node will spread activation backward over slipnet. Eventually all the mandatory slots are filled in the template for some message type. In this case, the temperature drops low and the understanding is taken to be correct. If all message types are tried out and none of their mandatory slots in corresponding templates can be completely filled, the understanding ends up with an irrelevant message.


6.6 Filling Perception Registers

Finally, the information understood from the template is moved into perception registers for further use in other tasks. This job will be done by register-filling codelets.

There are twelve perception registers: type of message, name of seminar, title of seminar, name of speaker, affiliation of speaker, time of seminar, place of seminar, day of week, date of seminar, name of organizer, email address of sender, name of new organizer. Each register-filling codelet is designated to fill one register.

After this, the perception module has finished understanding one message and is ready for another incoming email.


6.7 Handling Misunderstandings

If VMattie’s understanding is wrong due to ambiguity or other problems, she will often have a chance to correct her errors in the future. Every message is acknowledged based on her understanding. If something is wrong, hopefully the seminar organizer will send another message restating their meaning more clearly. VMattie will then have another chance to understand this less ambiguous message.


7 Testing and performance

We performed some tests of VMattie on a corpus of 100 email messages. Thirty of the email messages in this corpus were selected from the messages that were originally sent to Mattie (the human secretary). Ten email messages were generated by coauthors on this paper who were attempting to stump VMattie by sending a message that she would have trouble with. Six colleagues who were not coauthors on this project sent sixty of the email messages. Each of these six colleagues were asked to send one message of each of the 10 types of messages (including the irrelevant message type).

The first test of performance measured the probability that VMattie classified the email messages into the correct message types. When considering the 100 email messages in the test corpus, the messages had the following frequency distribution: Seminar Initial Message (11), Speaker Topic Message (23), Change of Time Message (7), Change of Place Message (6), Change of Topic Message (7), No Seminar Message (8), Seminar Conclusion Message (12), Add to Mailing List Message (10), Remove from Mailing List (9), and Irrelevant Message (7). VMattie was 100% accurate in classifying the 100 email messages in the corpus.

The second test of performance measured the probability that VMattie filled the 11 slots with the correct content. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 1. Given that there were 100 messages and 11 slots per message, there were 1100 observations in this analysis. There were only 10 errors when considering all 11 slots. That is, 99.1% of observations had the correct values filled for the slots. The slots should have been filled with content in 396 (or 36%) of the observations; the percentage of correctly filled slots was 98% for these observations. The slots should have been blank for the other 704 observations; the percentage correct was nearly perfect for these observations. We found that half of the errors occurred in the slots that specified the date and place of the seminar. The codelets and slipnet nodes could perhaps be further tuned for these two categories of slots. However, our initial tests of the performance of VMattie were extremely encouraging.


Table 1. Probablity of filling slots of templates with the correct values.


Slot Category Slot Should be Filled Slot Should be Blank

Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

Name of Seminar 73 1 26 0

Day of Seminar 32 0 68 0

Date of Seminar 13 3 84 0

Time of Seminar 24 0 76 0

Place of Seminar 19 2 79 0

Topic of Seminar 29 1 70 0

Name of Speaker 27 0 72 1

Affiliation of Speaker 8 0 91 1

Name of Organizer 60 1 39 0

Name of New Organizer 10 0 90 0

Email Address 93 0 7 0


8 Further work

This paper has focused on the perception side of VMattie. Her action selection side, also up and running successfully, will be the subject of another paper. The complete version of VMattie is currently being lab tested. We hope she’ll soon be field tested.

Vmattie’s successor, Conscious Mattie (Cmattie) is well into the design stage. Her name derives from the fact that she’s to model the global workspace of consciousness (Baars, 1988, 1997). Thus the Cmattie project has its cognitive science side (cognitive modeling) as well as its computer science side (intelligent software).

Cmattie’s domain is exactly that of Vmattie. Cmattie will do the same job but with some improvements. She will be able to:

This last item will require a reworking of the slipnet leaving it more like the Copycat model and less like a neural net.

The cognitive modeling side of the project will lead us to include modules implementing associative memory, learning (of several kinds), emotions, metacognition and consciousness.


9 Conclusion

The design of natural language sensing systems is often a critical problem in producing autonomous software agents that must communicate with humans. Here we’ve provided a detailed description of an implemented natural language sensing system for such agents "living" in a narrow domain. Our system is a successful example of surface feature based natural language processing, made possible by the analysis of a corpus of messages, along with information extraction by a multitude of codelets. Vmattie is very much a multiagent system. We chose such an architecture and its mechanisms trying to build a system that works much like we think human minds work. The emergent understanding happens in VMattie much as Minsky describes in his Society of Mind (1985). He says, " Each mental agent by itself can only do some simple thing that needs no mind or thought at all. Yet when we join these agents in societies… this leads to true intelligence." Vmattie’s intelligence isn’t great, but it’s real.




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